works under writing are original, my notes a mix of thoughts with quotes from the artwork subject of the note. about · contact
- beginning of infinity, david deutsch
- desierto sonoro, valeria luiselli
- llano en llamas, juan rulfo
- recuerdos del porvenir, elena garro
- laberinto de la soledad, octavio paz
- hitchhicker's guide to the galaxy, douglas adams
- amor en los tiempos del colera, gabriel garcía márquez
- homo deus, yuval noah harari
- salvar el fuego, guillermo arriaga
- a moveable feast, ernest hemingway
- ride of a lifetime, bob iger
- sin querer queriendo, roberto gómez bolaños
- to firmly drive common prosperity, xi jinping
- how the enlightment ends, henry kissinger
- people aren't meant to talk this much, ian bogost
- after babel, jonathan haidt
- the year of fukuyama, richard hanania
- ai–mort de l'art ou renouveau de la culture?, sébastien piquemal
- will scaling work?, dwarkesh patel
- software 2.0, andrej karpathy
- roger federer as religious experience, david foster wallace
- recurrent neural networks, andrej karpathy
- paragraphs on conceptual art (!), sol lewitt
- discrete image, bernard stielger
- how to do philosophy, paul graham
- taste and design, paul graham
- aristotle invented the computer, chris dixon
- la peinture de manet, michel foucault
- the question concerning technology, martin heidegger
- l'écrit, l'écran, l'ésprit, anne alombert
- discipline and punish, michel foucault
- modernist painting, clement greenberg
- the revolution will be uploaded (!), peter snowdon
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writing keeps ideas in space
speech lets them travel in time
we use paintings to decorate space
and music to decorate time
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find the way by moonlight
see the dawn before
the rest of the world
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unconscious time, no peace of mind,
falling in space but still alive.
sketching the future in a single line,
everything's spinning, cannot sit down.
moments in space, places in time,
thoughts penciled in, now come to life.
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As of today, no one knows how to translate paintings, flowers or music into language. Their beauty is implicit and exclusive to their form, which is why it's so hard to explain how a particular piece of art makes us feel.
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- ∴ (therefore)
- → (if then)
- ↔ (if and only if)
- ⤷ (consequence of)
- ≔ (definition)
- ⫫ (independent from)
- ∵ (because)
- ∃, ∄ (there exists/does not exist)
- ∈, ∉ (belongs to/does not belong to)
this is a collection of notes that i've written over time, mostly for myself. in the spirit of working with garage doors open, i've published them and open sourced this website.
Eduardo Gonzalez